People in Germany need to have more sex. Or keep their clunkers. According to the Economist. Well, kind of.

People in Germany really need to start having more sex.
Otherwise they are really going to need Death Panel for Grandmas, you know, when there are no more young people to take care of the old people.
That was my first thought when I saw this chart.
On second thought, sex does not necessarily lead to pregnancy, unless you are having it in the back of your parents' car. Or your very first beat-up old clunker. Better if you are drunk.
So my revised word of advice:
Germans need to have more drunken sex in the back of their parents' car, or get more clunkers.
Then I saw this other chart, comparing government sponsored "Cash for Clunkers" programs in several countries:
Hold on a second, while I take a mental note...
Note to self: Great cocktail conversation tidbit - "Do you know the U.S. is not the only one, and definitely not the first one, to come up with the 'Cash for Clunkers' program?"
Note to self, again: Scratch that. Someone is bound to say, "Exactly. Those are all socialist, or Facist, countries, or whatever, European! countries. That's why we should object to it loudly. Preferrably bring a loaded handgun with you to town hall meetings." And then the cocktail party, if I were ever invited to one, would go downhill from there... So, NOT A GOOD IDEA! Ok. Fine! Scratch the entire Note to Self 1.
When I saw this second chart about Cash for Clunkers program in other countries,
Eureka! I thought.
See how the government in Germany spent $7.1 billion on their "Get Rid of Clunker" program?
There you go, my friend. That is why the birth rate in Germany remains the lowest.
Labels: The Economist, We love Charts, We love statistics, what do you know